Webinar Series

Registration Link: https://usc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cIjLdZtXQkqs41EpjCOnmA

Date & Time: May 8, 2025 08:00 AM Pacific Time

Description: The LASI-DAD study team in partnership with the Gateway to Global Aging is excited to announce the LASI-DAD Webinar Series, beginning May 8th at 8am PT (8:30pm IST) with an overview presentation of the LASI-DAD study and details about the recently collected wave 2 data.

The Harmonized Diagnostic Assessment of Dementia for the Longitudinal Aging Study in India (LASI-DAD) is an in-depth study of late-life cognition and dementia, drawing on a subsample of the Longitudinal Aging Study in India (LASI). LASI is a nationally representative survey of the health, economic status, and social well-being of the Indian population aged 45 and older. Its large sample of 72,000+ adults represent not only the country but also every state.

This webinar series will provide information about LASI-DAD and key findings obtained from this dataset, including topics like cognitive changes, caregiving, and biometric measurement. The webinar series will continue throughout 2025 – stay tuned for upcoming announcements!